Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bow making Thoughts!

So.  Today I was thinking.  How hard is it to do most things myself.  Let me give you a little background on myself. Eh, Eh (clearing my throught).  I love the outdoors; and I am very much into the whole survival and natural way of doing things. Thus saying that.  My project is to make my own Primitive Bow and Arrows.  The idea behins this.  Is to hunt like our ancestors did in the past, and to have this for my own knowledge if i ever had to do so.  Granted-I was laughed at when I mentioned this to my co worker that hunts.  He laughed evene harder while shaking his head, when I mentioned that I would like to kill a Deer with it.  Know I now this will be a hard task.  He laughs becuase the primitive bow  lacks many things that the new and improved compund bows have.  I said yes. This is true...but i want to acomplish this feet like my ancestors did.  Also to know that I can do it and that it is possible. 

So I will keep you all updated when I start this venture. 

First step will be to create my bow!